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Sun, Venus conjunction in 7th house for a Virgo Ascendant


For a Virgo ascendant, Venus become exalted in 7th house Pisces and it is the lord of 2nd and 9th, a beneficial planet and Bhagyesh.

Venus in 7th house is good for the native in terms of spouse, benefits from the life partner, success in business, earning through business. The native could excel in partner ship business, if the 10th lord and also 11th lord is favourable and well placed.

Sun' s association in 7th house is not good. Though Venus in 7th provides benefic results for the native, Sun' s placement in 7th destroys some of them. The native could spend more for his luxury and happiness.

The native may face some failures and disappointments because of his lack of management skills and administrative capacity. However the Sun's placement will not affect marital happiness. It affects mainly the business side.

If Jupiter aspects 7th house or 12th house, the negative effects of Sun will not affect the native and it could become positive. Similarly if Jupiter aspects 12th house, the negative effects of Sun related to 12th house will be gone.

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