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Astrology Vs Science


First of all, we all have two sides in our life. First one is around the Materialistic world, and the second one is around Spiritualistic world. In Tamil Literature, we call it as Pura Nanooru (which is a book of 400 songs from Sangam Literature explaining about our life in Materialistic world), the life of Spiritualistic world is explained as Aga Nanooru (which is a book of another 400 songs).

We can simply categorize these two as Science and Spirituality in our modern day. Science is all about analyzing the things in the Materialistic world where as Spirituality is experiencing all the things in our own self.

In Science, we have to analyze more. The basic principle of Analysis is dividing. In Spirituality, we have to synthesize all around us. The basic principle of Synthesis is organizing. They are entirely different.

From the beginning, if Science goes in East direction, Spirituality goes in West direction. These two never met because the basic concept of these two are entirely opposite two each other.

Basic principle of Science is DOUBT. It educates all the students and its followers to doubt everything. Then only people will start searching for the truth regarding a matter, and will start their research.

But the basic principle of Spirituality is TRUST. Only when we believe something, our hearts will be open to that, and then only the ultimate truth will go into our heart. and we experience the ultimate truth, paramatma.

No one can live in the world completely Scientific or completely Spiritualistic. Even a scientist like Albert Einstein, or an Atheist like Karl Marx need to believe that only his mother given birth to himself only through father without taking DNA test regarding his birth.

Whether any atheist who question all the thing ever questioned his mother regarding his birth? and took a DNA test? any scientific proof other than similar face, similar voice?. If any body doubt his mothers dignity, his fate will become difficult and he cannot believe in anybody no more.

Similarly, No saint can live in the world completely Spiritualistic. He need to use Scientific inventions at least in the form of Vehicles and Medicine. He cannot trust his body will heal automatically even with the wrong medicine, when he become sick. He should take correct medicine only.

Politics, Our Education, Management, Business, War, Gambling, Money, Country all belongs to our Materialistic world. We need to doubt, experiment, and research in those things.

Astrology, Love, Peace of Mind, Fear, Anger, Happiness, Trust with life partner, Belief in the ultimate truth, Mental stability, Soul, Birth, Death, most of the mental problems all belongs to Spiritualistic World.

Astrology is just a tool to understand some of the concepts in the Spiritualistic world. It is the knowledge of our ancient saints who have experienced the energy of the ultimate truth. Only with trust, one have to approach astrology. Then only he can able to understand and experience.

Proving or disproving can be done only with Science. Astrology is not a Science.

One old quote I wish to say, but I do not know who told that. “Believing everything is dangerous. But doubting everything is suicidal”. Most of the followers in religion side believes everything and most of the followers of Science and Atheists are doubting everything. Both were wrong.

Do not believe Astrology as completely spiritual. Do not try to prove Astrology as a Scam. Just Study with a disciple mentality, and you will come to understand everything.

It is not Science. It is not an Art. It is just Astrology. Thats it.

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